Prompt #1 Response - Week 3
Prompt #1 Response - Week 3 1. I am looking for a book by Laurell K. Hamilton. I just read the third book in the Anita Blake series and I can’t figure out which one comes next! The quickest way I’ve found to find the next book in the series is to use Goodreads, which is a great site for those who love to read and are looking for new books, while also trying to find a book in a series. Goodreads allows you to search by author or series. In searching for Laurell K. Hamilton as the author, I was able to find the Anita Blake series and from what I can see, it looks as though Circus of the Damned is the third book in the series, so your next book would be The Lunatic CafĂ©. 2. What have I read recently? Well, I just finished this great book by Barbara Kingsolver, Prodigal Summer. I really liked the way it was written, you know, the way she used language. I wouldn't mind something a bit faster paced though. Using t...